Monday, March 9, 2009

Free: Urban Birds Project, Sweetener

Urban Bird Sounds Project: An Audio Guide to Urban Birds (Downloadable Podcast and Teaching Materials)

Sun Crystals All-Natural Sweetener Sample


otterthedog said...

Hello Elizabeth.

Thank you so much for posting information about this project.

Unfortunately though, only a limited number of printed CDs were available (to educators and students). Apologies for any confusion. (The website has now been updated to clarify this.)

However, unlimited downloads of the CD are available (free and to anyone) at the project website:

There are also free teaching materials available for download at:

Listeners should note however that the CD focuses on birds found in the Boston area (several of the species featured do not occur west of the Mississippi).

Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in this project. Hope you are all able to download it and have fun learning about the birds in your neighborhood!